Sometimes, the best movement is the one that is not seen coming. Disappear for a while, breathe, disconnect from noise. Not for fear or weakness, but because external chaos does not deserve the energy that costs to rebuild.We live in a world that demands constant presence, immediate responses and daily existence tests. But what happens when you decide to release? When you let the mystery do its job and silence speak for you.Today I returned after losing myself a bit on purpose. And I discovered that it is not about fleeing, but about returning with more brightness
I tried to organize my day, but I ended up seeing memes and wondering at what time the afternoon went.
Last night, while the soft lights of my room blinked on the screen, I looked at my reflection in the camera. Not that of the screen, but the real one, the one that appears when you lower your guard and let the thoughts sneak among the seconds of silence.Sometimes I wonder how others see me. Am I just an image, a moment of distraction, a passing fantasy? Or maybe, in some corner of someone's mind, I leave a deeper footprint. Don't know. What I know is that every laugh, every game of looks, every shared story, is real at that moment. And that is enough for me.I like to think that, in the end, beyond the lights and shadows, what really connects us is what we leave in the other, even for a moment.
Today everything started badly: I woke up late, the cell phone without drums and cold water. I left the house wanting to take off ... until I bought a coffee.I sat for a moment, let the sun touched my face and took a sip. Suddenly, the day did not seem so bad. Sometimes, you just need a break and coffee to reset everything.Moral: It's not a bad day, just a bad moment.
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